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Welcome to my website.

It came about because I wanted to be able to share the weekly newsletter I put together with a team of volunteers.

Obviously it still goes out by email, and it is a pretty decent address list I can tell you - but it's always posted here too.

There's some great photos from over the years, and there's even some links to my TV appearances, including This Is Your Life, which TV One did on me a few years ago

Everyone thinks my passion in life is the Vodafone Warriors, and there;s certainly plenty there about the boys.

But my real passion is people, so thanks for dropping by, and I hope you find something to interest you here.

Quick Links

Hover over the photos below to see more information and click to navigate to the page.


Click here to read about me.



Click here to view the Mad Butcher newsletters.



View all of my photos, like this classic one of me with Sir Graham Henry.


This Is Your Life

View the episode with Sir Peter Letich, hosted by Paul Holmes.


My Book

Get a copy of my book.


Rugby League

Learn about my involvement in Rugby League.


"The greatest gift you can give someone, is your time"

Sir Peter Leitch, KNZM, QSM

Follow me on social media

Click on the icons below to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. And don't forget to sign up for the newsletter!